•Understand the internal mechanisms of a blockchain
•Understand the role of a node in the network
•Know the differences between public, private & hybrid blockchains
•Understand how cryptography, public and private keys, and hashes are used in the blockchain
•Explore the advantages and disadvantages of the different consensus algorithms
•Understand the applications of blockchain in the field of digital identity
•Understand how blockchain technology can be used to protect intellectual property rights
•Understand the basics of Ethereum blockchain and smart contracts
•Understand the building blocks of decentralized finance
Known as the "Internet of Transactions", Blockchain is the technology that is revolutionizing the paradigms of the global economic system, radically changing the concepts of transaction, ownership and trust.
Blockchain and cryptocurrency are perfectly positioned to become essential technologies of Web3 because they are inherently decentralized, permitting anyone to record information on-chain, tokenize assets, and create digital identities.
The unique design of the blockchain, which ensures the anonymity and security of transactions, makes the use of this technology ideal for any type of situation that requires security, transparency, and collaboration.
It is precisely for this reason that blockchain technology is considered as a radical innovation.
•Introduction to the Blockchain technology; current scenarios and latest
frontiers on cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, Dapps, Initial Coin Offering.
•What is Blockchain? History of Blockchain
•Explaining Distributed Ledger Technology
•Types of Blockchain Private/ Consortium/ Permission-less Public/ Permissioned
•What Blockchain has to offer across Industries?
•The Blockchain Protocol and transactions
•Blockchain security: consent and timestamp
•Double spending
•Tokens (the nature of tokens, labeled tokens)
•Blockchain trilemma
•Smart contracts
•Bitcoin and Ethereum Blockchain foundation
•Initial Coin Offering
•Security Token Offering
•Decentralized Finance
The course is open to anyone who is interested in knowing more about Blockchain technology in a creative and stimulating environment through an extremely practical approach.
Students of Finance, economics, law, and computer science.
There is no better moment than this to understand how this disruptive technology works and how it can be applied to many different fields, including the entrepreneurial one!